Learning from this FOOTPRINT: Alone we come faster, but together, WE ARE ONE and we go further!
In a process of business differentiation, strengthening and expansion of customer service, around 2005 (14 years) ETS ventured into a new business: the sale of Test Equipment in addition to the sale of Test Automation Projects, starting the representation of PCBA testing machines from TRI– Test Research Inc. , as we had already learned in pain that relying on the 3070 alone was too risky and limited.
However, with the decapitalization due to the corporate change in 2007 and seeking to offer more and better alternatives to our customers, we understand that this business would take off if it had a solo, innovative flight, with financial support and freedom to work with "non-ETS customers" or even “ETS competitors”, after all, the Brazilian test automation market had a lot to expand!
After a year of negotiations and with a contribution of foreign capital, from European “Angel” investors (remembering that interest was negative for them at that time), Tekno-Sip was born, as a focused Programming, Inspection and Testing Solutions Startup in Full Test Automation of mounted electronic boards, output from inside the ETS ( spin-off )!
In 2009, international travel began to build an international and unique ecosystem, with different brands and solutions, on fronts that would complement the range of services and products that our customers were looking for, creating Complete Solutions. Aster, JTAG and TRI are exclusive partners of Tekno-Sip until today, after 15 years!

After a new crisis, fantastic fruits were born at ETS that even today contribute to the business and our customers, as from then on, it was able to return to its origins as a "provider of solutions in test", its true DNA, with one difference: international partners that expanded our competences and became essential for Innovations. In 2010 we became a Total Test Solution provider .
Tekno-Sip , repeating a little of ETS' history, was born in 2009, after the 2008 global crisis and even so, took off quickly when customers understood the cooperation strategy with ETS. In 2011 it was already returning good dividends and profits to its “Angel” investors, becoming for several consecutive years the largest seller of TRI machines, implementing the One Test Stop Solution , which combined the simplicity of Inspection with the power of the Electrical Test, bringing more automation and test coverage of the electronics market!!!

Every year, with the support and technical organization of ETS, Tekno-Sip and its Partners sponsored Seminars VIP s differentiated technicians, with exposure and Success Cases of several Testing, Inspection and Programming Solutions from its international partners, with presentation of national and international Keynote Speakers renowned in the Electronics Market. What I really loved was building with our customers, the presentation of their innovative or high performance projects that were a reference and inspiration for those who watched or even a shake of the most suspicious and skeptical of innovating in Brazil!

We didn't know, but these Seminars would later inspire and result in the creation of the Center for Technological and Human Training, SEMEAR, which would later become the SEMEAR Community ( See Footprint #4 ), in a single Hologram, larger than the ETS and Tekno-Sip.
In 2018, when ETS went through its economic disruption, after the biggest and longest economic crisis in Brazil ( See footprint #1 ) , Tekno-Sip investors also closed their cycle and decided to leave Brazil. A new stage began. Despite the challenges to be undertaken in Brazil, the strategy was powerful, several loyal customers and technological partners committed to the success of the Brazilian Electronics Market, despite the biggest crisis in history.
We had no doubts, the companies ETS and Tekno-Sip, even though singular and independent, are closer together than ever, now innovating more and more, as a single business that shares the same Purpose and Values, with a dynamic and multidisciplinary team, with its global or local clients, in a cooperative manner and inspired by the SEMEAR Community that values ONLY ethical, human and prosperous partnerships.
Alone we come faster, but together WE ARE One and we go further!