Due to the high complexity of current printed circuit boards, the Structural Test ICT ( In-Circuit Test ) has proven to be a great ally to maximize test coverage , enabling excellence in manufacturing, continuous and instantaneous feedbacks , traceability and integration with Shopfloor Control .

Raise the Test Coverage , with a balance between Detection and Diagnosis.
Check the electrical operation of some circuits and components.
Perform all parametric ( unpowered ) tests of an MDA ( Opens , Shorts , Parts , IC Clamping Diode and IC Open / TestJet ).
Powered tests, simulating the Power Sequence of each board.
Digital Tests (Logical Ports, Mux, Memories, among others).
Analog Functional Tests (operational amplifiers, crystals, oscillators, AD/DA converters, voltage regulators, among others).
Além destas tendenciais, outras que já estão no dia a dia deste segmento que exigem cuidados em sua tecnologia: Kit Multimídia, Painel de Controle, Ar-Condicionado, Injeção Eletrônica e Iluminação Led
Com tantas inovações tecnológicas chegando ao mercado automotivo, as soluções de Teste em placas eletrônicas são cruciais para garantir placas boas, sem falha e evitar retrabalho e perdas na produção.